Dolly's Secret Weapon: $8 Makeup Remover Pads for Glowing Skin at 77

Dolly's Secret Weapon: $8 Makeup Remover Pads for Glowing Skin at 77 -  At 77 years old, Dolly Parton remains a beacon of ageless beauty and vibrant energy. While her iconic makeup and hairstyles play a big role, her radiant skin is a true wonder. The secret to her youthful glow? It might surprise you – drugstore makeup remover pads!

Dolly's Secret Weapon

Dolly's Pad of Choice:

Forget fancy creams and expensive spa treatments. Dolly swears by Neutrogena's Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelette Singles, clocking in at a mere $8. These gentle, pre-moistened pads effectively remove all traces of makeup, dirt, and oil, leaving your skin squeaky clean and refreshed.

Why They Work:

  • Micellar Technology: These wipes are infused with micelles, tiny oil-like molecules that attract and trap makeup and impurities without harsh scrubbing. This makes them perfect for even the most delicate skin.
  • Gentle Exfoliation: The textured pads provide a slight exfoliating effect, gently buffing away dead skin cells to reveal a brighter, smoother complexion.
  • Hydration Boost: The wipes are infused with hydrating ingredients like glycerin and cucumber extract, leaving your skin feeling soft and supple, not stripped or dry.

Dolly's Skincare Routine:

While the exact details of Dolly's skincare routine remain a bit of a mystery, we do know that she's a big fan of these wipes. She reportedly uses them twice a day, morning and night, to remove makeup and cleanse her skin. This simple yet effective routine provides the foundation for her healthy, glowing complexion.

Beyond the Hype:

Of course, genetics and healthy lifestyle choices also play a role in Dolly's youthful appearance. However, her love for these affordable makeup remover pads proves that achieving glowing skin doesn't have to break the bank.


  • You don't need expensive products to achieve healthy, radiant skin.
  • Micellar technology in makeup remover wipes can effectively cleanse and refresh your skin.
  • A consistent cleansing routine is key to maintaining a healthy glow.

So, the next time you're looking for Dolly Parton's secret to glowing skin, remember – it might just be sitting on the drugstore shelf for less than $10!

Bonus Tip: For an extra dose of hydration, Dolly reportedly follows up her cleansing routine with a moisturizer and a layer of her signature Vaseline.

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